Skin changes with age. Wrinkles, dark spots, lines on the face, dry patches on the skin are the signs of aging. These days there are various treatments are available but there are some things, which you can follow easily and can keep your skin younger.
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Cucumber with peel contains 95% of water. You should always eat cucumber with the peel. It is a rich source of vitamin K. It contains 16% of the total daily value of vitamin K required by human body.
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Female hair loss is usually called ‘wide part’ because hair loss occurs from central region moving outward. Most women normally shade 50 to 100 hairs a day but hair loss occurs when hair growth stops or hair shedding exceeds 125 hair per day. Extreme hair loss occurs because of illness, severe stress or pregnancy in women.
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Chlorine Water
Generally chlorine is found in tap water & in the swimming pool water. It is a reactive element & harsh oxidizer added in water to kill the bacteria. It is used as a disinfectant but it also adversely affects the hair. Your hair act like a sponge and any build up of chlorinated water at the mouth of the hair follicles may cause hair to break off. This built up coating blocks new hair growth. Chlorine chemically bonds to hair that’s why simple shampoo can’t get rid of it and it causes hair to become sticky & when they get dry they look like straw.
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1. The coconut oil + ginger paste prevents pimples and eczema.
2. Tea tree oil has natural antibacterial property and helps to prevent pimples caused by dandruff.
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Ginger root is used in cold & in upset stomach. It also decreases bacterial infection in stomach fight against bad cough & throat irritation.
Ginger is effective for treating nausea caused by morning sickness, seasickness & chemotherapy. It is a best placebo for treating postoperative nausea.
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Quick Health Tip: Eat Potatoes with outer peel to control blood pressure and lower your cholesterol!
Potatoes help lowering the blood pressure as many ways. Potatoes are good source of potassium. They contain more potassium than banana & a lot of it found in outer peel of it. Potassium is mineral that helps lower the blood pressure because it acts as a vasodilator. Potassium, which encourages the widening of blood vessels, also helps ensure your brain gets enough blood.
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Garlic preparations may effectively lower total cholesterol by 11–23 mg/dL and LDL cholesterol by 3–15 mg/dL in adults with high cholesterol if taken for longer than two months.
Studies have found that garlic supplementation to have a significant impact on reducing blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.
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Tomatoes contain the carotene lycopene one of the most powerful natural antioxidants.
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Hair loss is very common in all age groups of people. Women & men are affected equally. Hair loss can occur for verity of reasons. About 70 percent of all men experience some degree of male pattern baldness while almost 30 percent of women have female pattern baldness.
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